Rosemont Avenue Elementary Home

Where we empower students!

About Us

Rosemont Avenue Elementary, the proud home of the Phoenix, has been serving the Historic Filipinotown community since 1890. We believe in empowering the Rosemont Community to unleash our full potential as successful contributors in the global society. Our diverse and experienced staff thrives at welcoming all families to participate in various school and community events. Through our signature practices: Cognitively Guided Instruction in Math, Small Group differentiation in Math, Small Group Academies in Language Arts and Restorative Justice Practices, we ensure that our students receive the education needed to prepare them for the future. We empower students!


Compass for Mission and Vision

Our Mission

Vision: Empower the Rosemont community to unleash our full potential as successful contributors in the global society.
Mission: Rosemont Avenue Elementary will provide experiences and teach world class skills and values to empower all children to achieve their fullest potential.